Return Policy

At Northeastern Promotions, we take pride in delivering high-quality apparel and promotional products to our customers. However, if for any reason you're not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 15-day return policy for a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a refund or exchange, please ensure that the item(s) are returned to us within 15 days of the date you received them. We can only accept items that are in their original condition with tags attached and free from any damage, such as rips, tears, stains, or odors.

Please note that if we receive a damaged item, we won't be able to refund or compensate you for it if the damage was intentional or caused by a sporting activity where force was applied to cause a tear. In such cases, we'll return the damaged item to you, and you'll be responsible for the shipping costs associated with the return.

If you need to initiate a return or exchange, simply contact our customer service team at or (877) 240-4349. Once we receive the returned item(s) and confirm that they meet our return policy criteria, we'll issue a refund or exchange within 5-7 business days.

We want you to have a hassle-free shopping experience with us, and we strive to process all returns and exchanges as quickly as possible. However, please keep in mind that we reserve the right to refuse a return or exchange if the item(s) do not meet our return policy criteria.

Note: If an order is not delivered by the specified In-Hand Date, you may return the merchandise for a full refund at Northeastern Promotions discretion. Contact us to see if you are eligible for a missed ihd refund. 

If a customer requires their order by a specific date, this information must be provided at the time of the order or quotation request. If no date is specified, the order will be produced according to standard production times. We will make every effort to ensure the order is shipped and received on or before the provided In-Hand Date (IHD). However, please note that we cannot control delays caused by shipping carriers.

Thank you for choosing Northeastern Promotions. We value your business and appreciate the opportunity to serve you. If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy, please feel free to contact us.